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PCCW Solutions Candidate Test 一. Core java (每题5分,共8题 ,总40) 1. Which declarations of identifiers are legal? A. $persons B. TwoUsers C. *point D. this E. endline 2. Which are syntactically valid statement at”// point x”? class Person { private int a; public int change(int m){ return m; } } public class Teacher extends Person { public int b; public static void main(String arg[]){ Person p = new Person(); Teacher t = new Teacher(); int i; // point x }} A. i = m; B. i = b; C. i = p.a; D. i = p.change(30) 3. What will happen when you attempt to compile and run the following code? public class Static{ static{ int x = 5; } static int x,y; public static void main(String args[]){ x; myMethod(); System.out.println(x y x); } public static void myMethod(){ y = x x; } } A. compiletime error B. print 1 C. print 2 D. print 3 E. pirnt 7 F. print 8 4. Given the following code, what will be the output? class Value{ public int i = 15; } public class Test{ public static void main(String argv[]){ Test t = new Test(); t.first(); } public void first(){ int i = 5; Value v = new Value(); v.i = 25; second(v, i); System.out.println(v.i); } public void second(Value v, int i){ i = 0; v.i = 20; Value val = new Value(); v = val; System.out.println(v.i " " i); } } A. 15 0 20 B. 15 0 15 C. 20 0 20 D. 0 15 20 5. What will be the result of executing the following code? boolean a = true; boolean b = false; boolean c = true; if (a == true) if (b == true) if (c == true) System.out.println("Some things are true in this world"); else System.out.println("Nothing is true in this world!"); else if (a


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